Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Learning multicultural skills

The corporate world is advancing more and more each day as many businessmen are expanding their businesses all over the world. There is therefore the need for everyone to learn and be able to manage multicultural skills that would enable proper understanding and promote healthy relations with all parties involved in a certain field of work. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Learning multicultural skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More People need to learn the cultural values of different societies. This promotes understanding and respect between the parties. For instance, many black countries do not allow some behaviors that are common with the whites such as kissing on the streets, holding hands to mention but a few. If the whites, for example are in a black’s country, it is always appropriate to try and fit into the foreigner’s culture and moral values by avoiding those actions that are not accep table in that country. A successful working environment is also promoted by equality between all members involved. Corporate individuals and the society as a whole should practice equality and avoid any actions that discriminate against all human rights. Prejudice is directly related to culture of one’s society because if one’s cultural believes and norms do not allow inequality, it is easier for that person to treat every person equal regardless of color, social status, race or nationality. Multicultural skills may as well be learned through avoiding certain behaviors such as nativism which looks down upon foreigners in a certain country. Rather, the foreigners should be treated well and supported on grounds of equal human rights. Multicultural skills may also be promoted by understanding and accepting the religions of other people because everyone has a right to choose his/her religion. This way, businessmen will have no trouble dealing any party regardless of on e’s religion. Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Even the smallest religious groups in the society should be respected and treated as every other person regardless of their unique cultural practices. Racial discrimination has been in our societies for long putting certain boundaries to people based on their skin color. Multicultural skills should involve equal rights to all without discrimination on their color. For example, corporate personalities should not put limitations on certain races for which they can do business deals with. Employment opportunities should as well be made open to everyone. Multicultural skills also involve accepting and understanding sexism as well as heterosexism and learning on how to deal with such individuals in the workplace making sure not to discriminate them. Being gay does not necessary mean that one is immorally upright; neither should the practice prevent the person from living a normal live including working and having a career like any other person. Cultural classism should not be practiced at all in the workplace. However, many people today are discriminating people based on their social class may be because of some cultural practices or based on their socio-economic status. However, there should be no such discrimination in the work field but rather skills and professional abilities of individuals should be exercised. There are certain social groups or even individuals who may feel that they are unable to perform a given activity well enough may be due to their body sizes or social class where they belong to. Multicultural skills should involve ability to identify these kinds of people and assist them get their self esteem and confidence rather than discriminating them. All these efforts and practices will not only benefit the society but the business world as well.Advertising We will write a custom es say sample on Learning multicultural skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Learning multicultural skills was written and submitted by user Yazmin B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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